KOOZA tells the story of The Innocent, a melancholy loner in search of his place in the world.
KOOZA is a return to the origins of Cirque du Soleil: It combines two circus traditions – acrobatic performance and the art of clowning. The show highlights the physical demands of human performance in all its splendor and fragility, presented in a colorful mélange that emphasizes bold slapstick humor.
The Innocent's journey brings him into contact with a panoply of comic characters such as the King, the Trickster, the Pickpocket, and the Obnoxious Tourist and his Bad Dog.
Between strength and fragility, laughter and smiles, turmoil and harmony, KOOZA explores themes of fear, identity, recognition and power. The show is set in an electrifying and exotic visual world full of surprises, thrills, chills, audacity and total involvement.
Kooza sounds like it could be the story of my life, an innocent, melancholy loner searching for a place in the world. I think that place might be Blibao or Barcelona, but we'll see. In the meantime I am looking forward to being back home in San Francisco this evening. Enjoy the show.
Good for you for entering the great big beautiful world of Blogger. Enjoy the show tonight
Kooza Kooza!
I always enjoy the extraordinary shows that Cirque du Soleil puts on. Thanks for sharing their greatness and creativity in your blog. They are so pleasing to both the audio and visual audience. Viva La Cirque!
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